What's in a word ... Magic

“Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem … but everyone refuses to believe in magic”. I wonder, what does the word 'magic' mean to you?

Alice in Wonderland tin sign, in CreaTEAvity Studio's studio

In our garden studio, there is a little metal Alice in Wonderland sign that reads:

“Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem … but everyone refuses to believe in magic”


I believe in magic. I’ve always believed in magic! Magic exists. And nothing - in all these 50+ years that I have walked this earth - has shaken that deep-rooted belief.

So what's in a word ... MAGIC?

Dictionary definitions of "magic" seem to focus mostly on it being a concept or force outside of our personal control. Magic is supernatural forces at play, or impossible tricks designed to deceive you. Hmmmm.

Britannica's dictionary definition of magic

(The image above is a screenshot from Britannica's online dictionary).

I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who's ever been frowned at, critised or shushed, for using the word 'magic'. If you talk about "magic", you are talking of something akin to witchcraft; something unknown, deeply scary, or that its a dark secret that shouldn't be uttered in public in case it harms someone. Which is an interesting point of view. Me - well, I consider magic to be an entirely natural, mystical force and something to be celebrated and honoured.

When you think of the word 'Magic', I wonder what comes up for you, dear reader.

So I wonder: is magic really outside of our control 

You see, I believe we are all capable of creating our own magic. And by creating our own magic, we have control. Not in a directive "it will do this" kind of way, but in the sense that we can choose to invite magic into our world. We aren't at the mercy of some supernatural force to bestow upon us some sparkly magic dust.

Magic exists around us, within us. But magic can only reveal itself to us when we give it space, give it breathing room … and allow it to show itself.

Magic is real. But it needs YOU - your energy, your motion - to come alive!

Because magic isn’t a magic wand, or a ghostly hand reaching out to fix things up for you.

Magic is energy. A vibrant force of nature that gives your spirit wings, and empowers you to invite change.

So one thing you will know for sure is that when you join me on playshops or retreats, or for one-to-one Unfurling sessions, you’ll often hear me talk about magic … because I believe in YOU!

And that, my lovely, is where the power of magic lies. In you.

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Discover the power of Unfurling: book a one-to-one session

CreaTEAvity Studio: a space to nurture, reconnect to, and rejuvenate your creative spirit - wherever you are in the world

Categories: : creative arts, therapy