
Sharing creative snippets and stories with you from the CreaTEAvity Studio

Callie Di Nello

Jumping in with Beth Kempton's Summer Writing Sanctuary this week gave me all the encouragement I needed to get writing on Substack

Callie Di Nello

There's nothing nicer than getting crafty in the run-up to Christmas ... here's some fabulous ideas for creating simple paper snowflakes ...

Callie Di Nello

You are warmly invited to join us at the world’s first Oracle & Tarot Lovers Congress (online, for all card lovers!) - live, 1st -3rd Dec 20 ...

Callie Di Nello

Sharing some of the ways you can make self-care work through all the different seasons in the year

Callie Di Nello

5 life-changing benefits to making self-care a priority in your life ... and when you see these, you'll definitely want to re-think ...

Callie Di Nello

Developing a self-care routine really doesn’t mean you have to treat yourself to expensive luxuries and spend lots of money

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